Cobbled together here is some semblence of a history of this site. Many of the deeper links no longer work, but take in the aesthetic.

My first designed online presence.
- Hand-made logo & favicon
- Links placed with compassrose, one of my first open source projects

Large letterform celebrating my large name.
- UnifrakturCook still one of my favorites here
- FitText hero.
- Subtle Patterns influences.

Color exists. Exploration of digital textures.
- The beginning of increased writing output
- The first Pattern Lab era site

Even starker.
- Pattern Lab burnout happened during this period
- We move to Minneapolis
- First use of logo purchased from David DeSandro

I cannot get this grid idea outta my head.
- Generative grid textures
- Emoji
- Old writing emerges

A return to basics. I start to miss web development more and more.
- CSS is Awesome
- prefers-color-scheme support
- Made with pantograph

A love-letter to wood-type. The skeuomorphism is passable.
- Wood type
- Houdini paintlet
- Color themes